
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in the middle of a crisis, was an example of calm and cheerfulness, said the host of ‘Man vs Wild’ andadventure junkie Bear Grylls ahead of the premiere of his special episode with the Prime Minister.

In an exclusive interview , Grylls said the Prime Minister, as a world leader, is calm in a crisis, as he braved all odds,including inclement weather, as they embarked on their journey through Jim Corbett National Park in Uttarakhand.“I think often you see politicians behinda podium looking smart in a suit. But the wild is a great leveller, it doesn’tcare who you are. It rewards commitment and courage, you got to work together.We got hit by some really big stones and torrential rain whilst we were there.Our team, who was filming, was really on the edge, but the Prime Minister wasjust very calm and I saw that throughout our journey. Whatever we were doing,he was very calm. That was cool to see. You never really know what someone islike until there’s a crisis. It was good to be reminded that as a world leader,Prime Minister Modi is calm in a crisis,” he said.Grylls and Modi channelledtheir adventurous side for the Discovery show, extensively shot in therainforests of Uttarakhand, as they took an off-track journey across thenational park.Home to a large number of tigers, the national park is built overan extent of 520 square kilometres and is among the few tiger reserves in Indiathat allows overnight stays in the lap of the National Park. It also sheltersrare species like Otters and the endemic fish eating crocodile, and is one ofthe most sought after destinations for the wildlife buffs.What stood out themost about Modi throughout the journey, Grylls said, was the global leader’shumility, as even through incessant rains, there was a “big smile” on his face.“Whatshone bright for me was his humility. He was a very humble guy and even thoughthere was pouring rain and his secret services were trying to get outumbrellas, he said ‘no I’m fine’ and then we reached a river. I made this raftout of reeds and a tarpaulin. I said I think we can get across the river usingthis, but the secret services were like ‘we cannot put the Prime Minister in alittle homemade raft’. But he (Modi) said he was fine and we’d do thistogether. He asked me to get in too, but the things started sinking. So it wasme swimming and pushing him, he was soaking wet but there was a big smile onhis face even through the rain. You learn about people in those moments,” saida visibly-elated Grylls.The BAFTA award-winning TV host went on to say thatdespite having to cross big overflowing rivers in unfavourable weatherconditions, the Prime Minister was very considerate and trusting throughout thejourney.“I said to him in the beginning, it was my job to keep you safe fromwild animals, bad weather and big rivers, which was true. He was very calm andconsiderate, very trusting of me and we just travelled together. It was harderfor his security team as they were carrying weapons briefcases and all that.The Prime Minister in the middle of it was an example of calm andcheerfulness,” he opined.Grylls also said the episode brings out a side of thePrime Minister like never seen before.Last month, Grylls had shared a 45-secondpromo of the special episode on Twitter, which broke the internet, as peoplegot to see a completely contrasting side to the Prime Minister.In the snippetof the much-awaited episode, Modi is seen interacting with Grylls, riding adingy and putting together a spear.

“You are the most important man in India. my job is toprotect you,” he said in the video, covering the Prime Minister’s shoulder witha jacket

Man Vs Wild With Bear Grylls and Prime Minister Modi willpremiere simultaneously on 12 Discovery channels in India on August 12 and willbe showcased in as many as 180 countries.

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